Comments and Filings


December 26th 2024, The UWB Alliance responded to the European Commission’s Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) consultation on the draft report for the 6G Strategic Vision. Our submission emphasized the critical role of UWB technology in driving innovation and delivering transformative capabilities that fuel rapid market growth across diverse global industries.

UWBA Response to RSPG Consultation on 6G Strategic Vision Draft RSPG Report


December 16th 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted a response to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) regarding its consultation on updating the Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan. Our response encouraged alternatives to exclusive use allocations. Limiting transmit power to levels less likely to disrupt other uses increases the overall value of the spectrum via greater diversity of use.

UWBA Response to ACMA Consultation on Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan


November 1st 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted a response to the Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) regarding its consultation on radio interfaces related to devices using Ultra-Wideband Technology. Our response promoted the use of UWB technology and endorsed harmonizing BIPT’s regulations with the latest revision of ECC Decision (06)04.

UWBA Response to BIPT Consultation on Radio Interfaces Related to UWB Devices


October 21st 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted a report to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) National Spectrum Strategy (NSS) Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) concerning preparation work for the 3 GHz and 7/8 GHz band study planned to begin in the Fall of 2024. The UWB Alliance recommended that band studies to be performed in the NSS implementation plan include UWB technologies. UWB’s unique capabilities, financial value, and the safety it provides warrant its inclusion in studies to determine future band allocation.

UWBA Contribution to NTIA NSS MSG


September 25th 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted a response to Qatar’s Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) regarding a draft positioning paper that outlines strategies to create secure and innovative environments for IoT/M2M development in the State of Qatar. Our response commended the TRA for recognizing the importance of IoT and M2M communications while emphasizing the critical role that UWB technology plays in enabling essential applications related to IoT and M2M.

UWBA Response to Qatar’s Positioning Paper on IoT and M2M Strategy


September 2nd 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted a response to Oman’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) regarding a draft version of a regulation for Ultra-Wide Band devices. Our response commended the TRA for recognizing the ETSI EN302 065 series of standards and touted UWB as an efficient user of spectrum that coexists well with other wireless technologies.

UWBA Response to Oman’s Public Consultation on the Draft Regulation for UWB Devices


August 20th 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted comments to the WRC-27 Advisory Committee Draft Recommendations. Our comments focused on Agenda Item 1.7, which specifies recommendations “to studies on sharing and compatibility and develop technical conditions for the use of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) in the frequency bands 4 400-4 800 MHz, 7 125-8 400 MHz (or parts thereof), and 14.8-15.35 GHz taking into account existing primary services operating in these, and adjacent, frequency bands, in accordance with Resolution 256 (WRC-23).”

UWBA Comments to WRC-27 Advisory Committee Draft Recommendations


August 20th 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted comments to the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) on the consultation “Questionnaire on long-term vision for the upper 6 GHz band”. Our response highlighted the rapid growth of UWB and emphasized the need to preserve usability of the upper 6 GHz band for UWB and other unlicensed technologies when authorizing new uses.

UWBA Comments to RSPG Questionnaire on long-term vision for the upper 6 GHz band


August 15th 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted a comment in support of the petition by Kontur, AS to to waive Sections 15.503(d), 15.31(c), and 15.521(d) of the Commission’s rules to permit Kontur to certify and market a UWB device that would operate as stepped-frequency, continuous-wave-modulated ground penetrating radar (GPR) transmitter. Our comment agreed with Kontur’s analysis that use of frequency-hopping modulation would improve the performance and speed of the device, while also not increasing the potential for interference.

UWBA Comments Supporting Kontur, AS Waiver Petition


June 25th 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted a response to Qatar’s Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) regarding an updated version of the class license for short range devices. These are the rules under which UWB operates in Qatar. Our response applauded the inclusion the UE updates for using UWB in vehicles. However, we encouraged Qatar to adopt additional improvements too, including fixed outdoor antennas and higher power indoors that have been approved in the EU.

UWBA Response to Qatar’s Public Consultation on the Updated Version of the Class License for Short Range Devices


March 27th 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted a response to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding the Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) for unlicensed use of the 6 GHz Band. Our response supported the operation of VLP U-NII devices in U-NII-6 and U-NII-8, and allowing client-to-client operation. But we opposed increasing VLP power above the current levels.

UWBA Response to Second Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for unlicensed use of the 6 GHz Band


March 21st 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted a response to Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) regarding the National Spectrum Research and Development Plan (R&D Plan) Request for Information. Our response included recommendations that will help shape the R&D Plan in a way that enables optimized sharing of the spectrum. We also presented diversity of use as an important metric for evaluating spectrum efficiency, and strongly endorsed a national testbed that would allow researchers and spectrum stakeholders to collaboratively test a mix of technologies and share results.

UWBA Response to National Spectrum Research and Development Plan RFI


January 2nd 2024, The UWB Alliance submitted a response to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) regarding the National Spectrum Strategy Implementation Plan Request for Input. Our response emphasized the importance of coexistence for spectrum sustainability, that UWB is an excellent example of spectrum sharing, and that policies supporting near-exclusive use of spectrum are not sustainable in the long term.

UWBA Response to National Spectrum Strategy Implementation Plan Request for Input


October 5th 2023, The UWB Alliance submitted a letter to the European Commission regarding the People’s Republic of China MIIT’s proposed regulations on European industry and the potential trade barriers they present. The UWB Alliance voiced concerns that the MIIT’s proposed regulations finding a new maximum value of 650 MHz for the 10 dB bandwidth would foreclose several European UWB manufacturers from trading in the Chinese market.

UWBA Letter to the European Commission Regarding MIIT’s Proposed Regulations that Include 650 MHz Upper Limit on the 10 dB Bandwidths


August 30th 2023, The UWB Alliance responded a consultation from the Czech Telecommunications Office pertaining to its Radio Spectrum Management Strategy, which was last updated in 2015. Our response provided updated information on the UWB industry, market size, growth and trends.

UWBA Response to Consultation from the Czech Telecommunications Office


August 16th 2023, The UWB Alliance responded to a Public consultation by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission on proposed positions for WRC-23 agenda items. The proposed positions from the MCMC excluded RLAN and mobile from using 6425-7125 MHz. The current allocations within 6425-7125 MHz are compatible with UWB underlay. Thus, the UWBA responded to the MCMC consultation by recommending no changes to their current allocations in their WRC-23 positions.

UWBA Response to Consultation by the MCMC on Proposed Positions for WRC-23 Agenda Items


July 7th 2023, The UWB Alliance contributed to 802.18 comments in response to a Public Consultation on UAE TDRA Regulations for Ultra Wide Band and Short Range Devices. The consultation sought comments on proposed updates to the UWB and SRD regulations in UAE. The UWBA recommended alignment with the latest EU harmonized standards and regulatory updates. Our response included recommendations for updating references and some elimination of redundancy in the regulations. The response also provided basic background on 802.15.4 UWB for context.

802.18 Response to Consultation on UAE TDRA Regulations for Ultra Wide Band and Short Range Devices


April 21st 2023, The UWB Alliance responded to an RFC from the FCC Office of International Affairs (OIA) regarding recommendations approved by the World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee. Our comments emphasize the importance of diversity of uses when determining the overall value obtained from spectrum. We emphasized the value UWB provides and the fact it provides great diversity of use without disrupting other services.

UWBA Comments on OIA Recommendations Approved by the World Radiocommunication Conference Advisory Committee


April 18th 2023, The UWB Alliance submitted Comments on the ECC deliverable “Draft CEPT Report 084.” In its response, the UWB Alliance endorsed the measures included in the updated ECC Decision (06)04 and fully supports their inclusion in an updated EC Decision on ultra-wideband. The ECC Decision would make fixed outdoor, higher power indoor, and vehicular without exterior limits mandatory in EU single market member states.

UWBA Comments to CEPT Report 084 Consultation


April 17th 2023, The UWB Alliance responded to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Request for Comments on the Development of a National Spectrum Strategy. In its response, the UWB Alliance emphasized how UWB technology plays an important role in achieving spectrum policy objectives related to increased spectrum sharing, spectrum efficiency, and diversity of spectrum use. Click the link below to read the entire response submitted to the FCC.

UWBA Response to NTIA RFC on National Spectrum Strategy


March 1st 2023, The UWB Alliance applauded the FCC on Recognizing UWB Applications’ Use in Providing Relief in Türkiye and Syria. In her remarks to the Mobile World Congress on February 27, 2023, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel praised the next-generation wireless technologies that are being used to assist rescuers searching for survivors of the tragic earthquakes that devastated Turkey and Syria.

UWBA Applauds FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel


February 6th 2023, The UWB Alliance responded to the Ministry of Industry & Information Technology (MIIT) consultation concerning a proposed rule change that would restrict the frequencies available for the use of UWB in China. The UWB Alliance recommends against this reduction, noting that UWB does not cause harmful interference to other services. UWB Alliance recommends that where specific concerns are identified, the alliance believes collaborative solutions can be found. UWB Alliance further suggests harmonization with international rules and standards such as those recently adopted in the EU.

UWBA Response to MIIT Concerning the Use of UWB in China


July 27th 2020, The UWB Alliance takes positions at the FCC on submissions from other Corporations and Organisations on the subject of Wi-Fi at 6 GHz. Click the link below to discover now how we are working with the FCC to advocate strategies for UWB coexistence:

UWBA FCC 6 GHz FNPRM-ReplyComments


June 29th 2020, The UWB Alliance outlines how Ultra-wideband has evolved to become a mainstream technology and responds to the questions asked by the FCC in the 6 GHz FNPRM:

UWBA Comments FCC 6GHz FNPRM June 29 2020 final Updated


April 13th 2020, The UWB Alliance predicts estimated market size for ultra-wideband devices will exceed 240 Billion Dollars by 2022:

UWBA Comments on FCC 6 GHz RO April 14 2020 FINAL


March 5th 2020, the UWB Alliance submits a 6 GHz sharing proposal to the FCC with suggestions on how co-existence in the band could be achieved for Wi-Fi, UWB and Licensed Incumbents:

UWBA FCC Ex Parte March 5 2020


Click the link below to see a selection of the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Alliance Filings at the FCC:

Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Alliance Filings at the FCC


May 2, 2019, Ultra Wide Band Alliance (“UWB Alliance”) Executive Director Tim Harrington and Ira Renfrew (iRobot), met with Aaron Goldberger, Acting Wireless and International Advisor for Chairman Pai, to discuss the NPRM proceeding:

UWB Alliance FCC 6 GHz Ex Parte May 2019 (FINAL)


April 8, 2019 As part of the NPRM Coexistence Action Process, Our Executive Director, Tim Harrington visited the FCC in Washington DC to present to Commissioners Staff, they Presented to William Davenport, Umair Javed, and Erin McGrath:

UWB Alliance FCC ExParte Letter Apr08 2019 (FINAL)

Bosch Petition

In an interesting turn, on the 18th June 2019 Bosch filed a petition with the FCC for a new rulemaking that proposed a comprehensive review of the FCC rules governing UWB devices (Part 15, Subpart F). The Rulemaking would normalize current waivers and encourage the utilization of existing standards to promote coexistence in the 6 GHz band. The UWB Alliance filed its own comments in support of the Bosch petition, and those can be found on the links below:


and our reply comments:

UWB Alliance Reply Comments Bosch Petition 09032019

Click below to see all of the filings for the Bosch Petition to update the UWB Rules in the USA.

Filings for the Bosch Petition to update the UWB Rules in the USA